Name: Yedid Erandini Niño Membrillo
Telephone: 5959540368
Email: yeninom@uaemex.mx

Location: Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, Texcoco University Center, administrative computing coordination.

Address: Av. Zumpango s/n Fraccionamiento el Tejocote, Texcoco, Estado de México
Last Academic degree Master in Computer Science (2001)

Actual job: Full Time Teacher, Coordinator of the degree in administrative computing

Articles and books:

- Comunicación, Habilidades digitales. Yedid Erandini Niño Membrillo / Héctor Antonio González González. Book Mart México. 1ª. Edición 2019. ISBN: 978-607-743-995-0

- Semantic Analyzer for spanish using ontologies. Komputer Sapiens, Applications of Artificial Intelligence, ISSN 2007-0691, Year IX Vol. III sep-dec 2017 pp 13-17.

- Segmentation of color images by chromaticity features using self-organizing maps. F. García-Lamont., A. Cuevas., Y. Niño. Ingeniería e investigación. Journal, Vol. 36 Num. 2. ISSN: 0120-5609 (print) ISSN: 2248-8723 (online): pp 78-89, Journal Citation Report. http://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/ingeinv/issue/view/4559/showToc 2016

- Disposición de uso de las aplicaciones digitales interactivas en pacientes con parálisis cerebral infantil. ISBN-978-607-8324-83-5. García, Alejandra., Niño, Yedid E., Reyna, Minerva. Handbook T-I. -©ECORFAN, México. 2016.

Received courses:
- Scopus, your database to investigate (2020)
- SCRUM methodology (2020)
- Internet of things (2020)
- Conversational systems for service (development of chatbots with text and Voice) (2020)
- Java programming language (2019)
- Preparation of the pedagogical guide (2019)
- Development of applications for S.O. ANDROID (2019)
- Arduino programming (2019)
- Plataforma Moodle y Schoology (2018)
- SPSS package (2018)
- Basic Excel Computer Problem Solving Workshop (2017)
- Introduction to the Accreditation of Programs in Computing and Informatics: A first approach     towards Internationalization (2017)
- Effective project management (2017)
- Schoology platform as a tool to facilitate the monitoring and evaluation of subjects (2017)
- Card game to identify the health of software projects (2016)
- CONAIC A.C. Quality of programs in computer science and computation (2016)
- Multimedia tools for online courses (2016)

Taught subjects:

- Database
- Object-oriented programming
- Imperative programming
- Software engineering
- Data structure
- Structured programming
- International quality standards

- Application of mobile sensors and computational intelligence in searching victims inside of buildings collapsed by earthquake. (in process)

-Resolution of inconsistencies in heterogeneous relational databases using artificial intelligence tools (2018)

Thesis supervision:

- Expert system with artificial vision for the identification of “insectos descortezadores” in pine species of the most important forest states in Mexico. (2019)

- Development of the Web system of the school control department of students of the forest science division of chapingo under the focus of the agile development methodology XP. (2018)

- Process automation through modules in visual basic for applications for monitoring events and programs in the area of computer-aided engineering. (2018)

- Mapping of processes of the inventory area for the Irrigation department, at the Autonomous University of Chapingo. (2018)

- Application of the Mobile-DTM methodology to create the prototype of the APP case study: Draw-Hanzi supported AR. (2017)

- Evaluation of the Web page of the Academic CVUs of Phytotechnics of the Autonomous University of Chapingo using the ISO / IEC 25000 Standard. (2017)

- UML diagramming and documentation of intelligent classroom logistics. (2015)

- Migration of passenger reservation, inventory and check systems on the LAN Airline platform, focusing on the direction of Mexico (2015)